Independent BMW Specialists

Service, repairs, and maintenance for ALL BMW models.


To My Wonderful Clients and Friends,

All my professional life I've had a passion for being a cutting-edge BMW technician. In fact, other than a 4-year service in the United States Air Force, working with BMWs has been my life's work. I started in the industry in 1977, at a small general service garage and now after almost 35 years as business owner, it's time in my life to retire.

During the spring of 2023 I suffered a cerebral aneurism. Thankfully, with terrific medical attention I completely recovered, and I have no health restrictions. During my period of recovery, I had a chance to pause and reflect and a paradigm shift occurred. I have decided to pursue my other passions, traveling, boating, woodworking and enjoying my summer cottage lifestyle with my terrific wife.

My excellent technician and friend, Dwayne Hausman, has decided to continue with the business. As injury knows no timing, my decision to retire came about rather quickly and as such, Dwayne is left with little time to find a suitable location. The phone number (732-919- 2299) will remain the same and I anticipate that Dwayne will be up and running shortly. You can be extremely confident in continuing with him, his knowledge and skills are superlative. I'm certain he will provide you with the level of service you have come to expect from us.

Dwayne was also the beneficiary of some of the best training in the industry through BIMRS, which is a non-profit association of Independent BMW Service Professionals. I felt so positive about the BIMRS association and the terrific training they offer that I served on the Board of Directors for several years and eventually served as President. I have retired from that association and leave it much as I found it, in the very capable hands of a volunteer Board to continue to guide the industry into the future.

I feel blessed to have had you as clients and friends. Thanks for your loyalty and continued support as I happily enter the next phase of my life.


Don Fields

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Disclaimer: MrMCar, Inc. is an independently owned company and is not affiliated with BMW AG, BMW North America, or any of it's global subsidiaries.